Shiming Chen1,
Wenjie Wang1,
Beihao Xia1,
Xinge You1,
Qinmu Peng1,
Zehong Cao2,
and Weiping Ding3
1Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China
2University of Tasmania (UTAS), Australia     3Nantong University (NTU), China
{shimingchen, wangwj54, xbh_hust, youxg, pengqinmu}
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have been a popular deep generative model for real-world applications. Despite many recent efforts on GANs that have been contributed, mode collapse and instability of GANs are still open problems caused by their adversarial optimization difficulties. In this paper, motivated by the cooperative co-evolutionary algorithm, we propose a \textit{Cooperative Dual Evolution based Generative Adversarial Network} (CDE-GAN) to circumvent these drawbacks. In essence, CDE-GAN incorporates dual evolution with respect to the generator(s) and discriminators into a unified evolutionary adversarial framework to conduct effective adversarial multi-objective optimization. Thus it exploits the complementary properties and injects dual mutation diversity into training to steadily diversify the estimated density in capturing multi-modes and improve generative performance. Specifically, CDE-GAN decomposes the complex adversarial optimization problem into two subproblems (generation and discrimination), and each subproblem is solved with a separated subpopulation (\textit{E-Generators} and \textit{E-Discriminators}), evolved by its own evolutionary algorithm. Additionally, we further propose a \textit{Soft Mechanism} to balance the trade-off between E-Generators and E-Discriminators to conduct steady training for CDE-GAN. Extensive experiments on one synthetic dataset and three real-world benchmark image datasets demonstrate that the proposed CDE-GAN achieves a competitive and superior performance in generating good quality and diverse samples over baselines. The code and more generated results are available at our project homepage
Figure:The pipeline of CDE-GAN. In brief, CDE-GAN decomposes the complex adversarial optimization problem into two subproblems (generation and discrimination), and each subproblem is solved with a separated subpopulation (i.e., E-Generatorsand E-Discriminators), evolved by an individual evolutionary algorithm (including individual Variations, Evaluations and Selections). The best offspring of E-Generators and E-Discriminator are served as new parents to produce the next generation's individuals (i.e., children). Furthermore, a Soft Mechanism is proposed to cooperate E-Generators and E-Discriminators to conduct effective adversarial training.
The supplementary can be downloaded here
If you wish to use our code, please cite the following paper :
There are three different benchmark datasets used for evaluating our method, i.e., CIFAR-10, LSUN-Bedrooms, and CelebA. Some of these generated images are used in paper, in which supports better vision quality. Indeed, we also evaluate our method on synthesis dataset.
Experiments on the CIFAR-10 dataset for hyper-parameters analysis. (a) Inception score evaluation for different CDE-GANs with various balance factor γ={1,0.5,0.1,0.01}. (b) Inception score evaluation for different CDE-GANs with various numbers of discriminators I={1,2,4,8}.
Dynamic results of Gaussian kernel estimation over generator iteration for different GANs. For each pair of images, the left one is data distribution (real data is represented in blue, generated data is represented in red), and the right one is KDE plots of the generated data corresponded to its left generated data. From top to bottom, the rows are the results of original GAN, NS-GAN, LSGAN, E-GAN, and CDE-GAN (Ours).
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China~(61571205 and 61772220), the Key Program for International S\&T Cooperation Projects of China~(2016YFE0121200), the Special Projects for Technology Innovation of Hubei Province~(2018ACA135), the Key Science and Technology Innovation Program of Hubei Province~(2017AAA017), the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province~(2018CFB691), fund from Science, Technology and Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality~(JCYJ20180305180637611, JCYJ20180305180804836 and JSGG20180507182030600). We thank Dr. Chaoyue Wang for his assistance with coding and theoretical suggestions.
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